What’s The Importance Of A Website? Start-ups, This One’s For You!

One Mississippi, two Mississippi….That’s how I learned to count seconds as a child. So, please indulge me here for a second and say “one Mississippi” out loud. Did you do it? Now think about this: In that one second, in the time it took you to say “one Mississippi,” Google processed 40 000 search queries. By the time you’d finished reading that sentence, it had processed over 100 000 more.The numbers are pretty hard to get your...

Social Media – Start-up Businesses’ Secret Weapon

The UK is a great place to start a business. And I’m not just saying that because I live here and am therefore possibly a tad biased. Both of which, are, of course, true! But this time, my bias is actually backed up by hard and fast research! Forbes recently rated the UK the fifth best country in the entire world to start a business. (And the entire world, at the most recent count, was sitting at...

Why You Should Optimise Your Website For Global Traffic

As native English speakers, we can be very arrogant. No, it’s true. I’m the first one to put up my hand. No matter where I go, I expect people to speak my language. Hello, it IS English after all. It’s like the only language that matters, right? What do you mean you don’t parlay Anglais? This is France! That’s, like, in Europe! Which is basically in England. So, what the heck, Dude?And what is it with website pages that aren’t...

Do You Have A Start-up? Marketing Is Easier In These Top UK Cities

It’s a phrase we’ve all heard a thousand times. It crops up in the myriad house hunting/moving to the country shows we see here all the time in the UK on TV. We hear it mentioned with great authority by our friends in the real estate business. And we’ve possibly even used it ourselves in conversations where we want to sound learned and wise. That phrase, dear reader, is “Location, location, location.”Of course, you knew that.And you know it’s the...

The Great Click Bait Conundrum – To Use Or Not To Use

You’ve heard of click bait and fake news, right? Hold that thought…It only lasted two minutes, but boy, did the earth move during that time. How many conversations with the girls over a glass or two of wine have started like that, I wonder?In this case however, the context was very different.The two minutes in question occurred on the morning of October 10, 2017. Between 9.34 and 9.36am, E.T, to be exact. In those two short minutes, the earth shifted...

SEO: Small Business, Meet Your BFF

Starting your own business is not fun. Which is something your friends didn’t mention when they were encouraging you, during a long and prosecco-fuelled night at the pub, to take the plunge and just do it. What is that Coldplay says? “Nobody said it was easy. Nobody said it would be so hard.” But it is hard. It. Is. So. HARD! And there will no doubt have been a hundred times, during those heart-palpitating, sleepless-in-the-middle-of-the-night moments, when you just wanted...

Great Scot! Here’s A Good Start-Up Strategy: Open A Business In Edinburgh!

Getting started on your start-up strategy

Let’s take a look at a couple of things we know about Scotland. Actually, maybe you didn’t previously know these things about Scotland because, well, why would you? I mean, everyone has surely heard of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, but who has ever heard of Morag? No, really. Morag is Nessie’s rival for loch monster fame. Many people believe she lives in Loch Morar. Reported sightings, some by multiple witnesses, date back to 1887.And...

Here’s Why You Want to Get Yourself Into A Sticky (Content) Situation

You’ve probably heard of a sticky wicket. However, in case you haven’t, the expression refers to a difficult or tricky position (and no, we’re not talking Karma Sutra here!) It’s similar, I suppose, to getting stuck between a rock and a hard place. But different from when you're stuck in a rut. And not at all like those awkward situations when you're stuck for conversation. Or when you stick your nose into someone else’s business.Actually, when you stop to think about it, most of...

Here’s Why Your Business Needs A Professional Website

Think about your employees for a minute. Well, to be more specific, think about your very best employee. You know the one I mean. That wonderful person who seems to walk into the office every morning in movie-esque slow motion. The one who draws everyone’s attention when they glide across the floor to the coffee machine or water cooler. And of course, the one who makes record sales month after month, or who produces mind-blowing reports that impress even the...

Optimise Your Business with Optimised Content

If you’re a regular reader of these blogs, you’ll know what a fan I am of content. To be honest, I couldn’t actually call myself a digital marketing transformation coach if I weren’t passionate about it. Content, notably optimised content, forms the framework on which all good digital marketing strategies hang. It’s the stuffing in your website’s cushion. The petrol in its tank, and the food in its ever-hungry stomach.And it’s not just me who feels this strongly about content....