Big Internet, Small Business Ideas. Here’s How Professional Social Media Management Can Bring The Two Together

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Big Internet, Small Business Ideas. Here’s How Professional Social Media Management Can Bring The Two Together

Big Internet, Small Business Ideas. Here’s How Professional Social Media Management Can Bring The Two Together

Ever heard the saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none?” I’m sure you have – it’s a much-loved, and often-used, expression. And it’s as relevant today as it was back in the 14th Century, which is when its first use was recorded. Basically, it refers to someone who tries to do everything himself and ends up being OK at some things, mediocre at others and downright rubbish at the rest. When you wear too many hats instead of focussing on doing what you’re good at, the result is usually a distinct lack of expertise in any area at all. As an entrepreneur, this is no doubt sounding uncomfortably familiar. We know you have so many small business ideas that you’re excited about executing. But what happens? You end up trying to do everything on your own. As a result, nothing gets done with any degree of professionalism or skill at all.

This is especially true when it comes to marketing. A recent report by BrandMuscle states that two-thirds of small business owners do all their company’s marketing themselves. Only three percent used an outside, professional agency, while seven percent had a dedicated marketing person on their staff.

But here’s the thing:

There are a lot of professional, successful marketing agencies in the world. Some bigger than others, but all with paid staff who earn good livings doing an awesome job marketing their clients’ businesses. So, logic dictates that because these agencies stay in business, they must be good at what they do. Their clients, perhaps not so coincidentally, also stay in business. In fact, they do more than that. They grow. They thrive. Why? Because they’ve realised the importance of doing what you’re good at – and letting others do the same.

Using Social Media To Capitalise On Your Small Business Ideas

In a world where almost everyone uses social media for, well, social stuff, it’s easy to think that you can take what you know about posting pics of your dog on Facebook and translate that into leveraging this massive platform to effectively market your business. Um, no. As a small business owner, it’s vital not to underestimate the impact your social media voice has on your brand. It has to be managed wisely, using a well-thought-out and professional strategy.

A key part of any social media strategy is consistency. There has to be a regular schedule of blogging, Facebook posting, and tweeting, among others. This takes time – and a lot of it. You might think you can run your business during the day and blog at night, but that’s almost impossible to sustain. When you drive a car, the acceleration needs to be smooth, steady and continuous. Jerky, stop-start tactics are for learner drivers only. It’s the same with your business’ social media. Sporadic bursts of content are no good. You need a steady, regular flow of engaging posts.

Of course, effective social media management isn’t just about creating and posting engaging content. You also have to track it. You need to regularly monitor the analytics, insights and traffic reports. Do you know how to interpret your analytics? Can you use them to determine the impact your social media strategy is having? Or see what, if any, changes need to be made, and whether or not you’re getting a big enough return on your investment?

Obviously, you also have to monitor any feedback – good or bad. Negative comments, or questions that go unanswered for longer than 24 hours, can be the kiss of death for your business – and you might not even have seen them!

Perhaps It’s Time To Let The Professionals Help

We know your business is your baby, but as they say, it takes a village to raise a child! Using a professional marketing agency to handle your social media, and other, marketing strategies makes perfect sense. Not only do they bring extensive technical knowledge and strategic support to the table, they can also offer a range of high-end analytics tools and other resources you could never hope to afford with your tighter-than-tight small business budget.

A professional agency will take your small business ideas and turn them into workable strategies with tangible results. At The Digital Coach, we get that you’re darn good at running your business. The funny thing is, we’re darn good at what we do too. So why not let us take care of your social media marketing? We’re Ninjas at this kind of thing, and we have the loose-fitting black pyjamas to prove it.

So talk to us today. Or even right now. Have you called yet?

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