How The Right International Digital Marketing Strategy Can Take Your Business To A Global Audience

One of the really great things about living in such digitally connected times is that we are no longer constrained by traditional limits. Our computers and mobile devices can take us to wherever in the world we want to go. In the amazing realm of cyberspace, borders cease to exist, and barriers simply disappear.

In this exciting digital world, we can talk “face to face” with friends and families on the other side of the planet whenever we want. Communication is...

Going Global? Here’s How Digital Marketing Can Help

Deciding to expand your business internationally is both exciting and scary as heck. It’s pretty much the biggest step you can take outside your comfort zone. In fact, it takes you so far out of your comfort zone, you’re looking at in your rearview mirror!When you think about it, growing a business is a lot like growing a child. The early years are a blur of not enough sleep, general exhaustion, and worrying about a thousand things. Then you blink,...

Social Media – How To Talk To A Global Audience

Age may just be a number, but numbers in themselves can actually be quite important. Many regard the number 27, for example, as being very significant. Did you know our beloved Earth is made up of only 27% land? Maths boffins tell us that 27 is the trinity of trinities when it comes to numbers – 3x3x3=27, 3x3=9, and 3x9 = 27. And chat to a tennis fan and they’ll tell you a tennis court is 27 feet wide.Why on...

Kenya – Taking Digital Marketing To The Max

Let’s think about Africa for a minute. It’s the second-largest and second-most populous continent in the world after Asia. Over 1.2 billion people, spread over 53 countries, call this vast and diverse continent their home. Experts estimate that by 2050, there will be another 2.2 billion people on our planet, and over half of this growth will occur in Africa. It is a continent ripe with promise and possibility.Kenya is at the very centre of this explosive expansion.In a recent...

How Quality Content Drives Traffic To Your Website

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 20 years or so, you’ll know that if you have a business, you need a website. Or at least, you should know that! You will no doubt have read that your website is your online brochure. That most people do online research first before making an offline purchase. And that if people can’t find your business on the web, they won’t find you at all.So you listened, and took heed....

The Great Website Smackdown – Design vs User Experience

Why Do You Have a Website?

One of the (many) perverse things about life is that there are more questions than answers. True story. So often we struggle in vain to resolve issues or find solutions to problems. For some reason, we’re convinced that there have to be answers. Why? Says who? In what Rule Book Of Life is this written down?We’d all get a lot more sleep, and ditch the Gucci luggage under our eyes if we learned to just...

Social Media Influence: It’s Undeniable Effect in Kenya

The August 2017 presidential election in Kenya was different to any previously held in that country. There were still two candidates, and there was still tireless campaigning. But there was one thing that separated this election from any other held so far. And which will undoubtedly shape the way all future election campaigns are run.

Social media.

The 2017 Kenyan elections were where social media influence in this country truly came of age. Millions of dollars were spent convincing millions of voters...

How Kenya is Surfing the Internet Marketing Wave

To most people who don’t live in Kenya, this diverse, beautiful and fascinating country is best known for its incredible wildlife parks and tropical paradise coastline. The bookworms among us will also know it as one of the favoured haunts of Nobel Prize-winning author, Ernest Hemmingway.Kenya features prominently in several of Hemmingway’s short stories, as well as in his non-fiction book, Green Hills of Africa. The echoes of his passionate affiliation to the country can still be found today at...

Bridging The Gap Between Digital Strategy And Implementation

It’s a question people have been asking since, well, the advent of questions, really. Early Man probably had no problem devising great strategic ideas for successfully capturing a mammoth, but found it more difficult to turn those ideas into actual food for a month and a fantastic woolly floor covering. Military generals throughout history have prided themselves on their carefully devised attack plans, only to have things go badly sideways on the actual battlefield. And corporate leaders can spend hours...

How To Make Your Contact Us Page The Best P.A. In The World 

 Admit it. We’d all like our PAs to be like Blake from Madam Secretary or Donna from Suits. (Okay, so strictly speaking, Donna is no longer a PA, but she was for the first six series, so work with me here, people!) These two epitomise everything that a fantastic Personal Assistant should be – efficient, hard working, totally indispensable and, as an added bonus, they know exactly how Elizabeth and Harvey like their coffee.Sadly, many of us don’t have PAs...