Florida 2: Google’s Broad Core Update

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Google’s Florida 2 March 2019 Broad Core Update

Florida 2: Google’s Broad Core Update

The Florida 2 update, now renamed the March 2019 Core Update is Google’s latest broad core algorithm update. Many may know that Google actually releases updates daily to improve search results, and core algorithms happen several times a year. What’s so special about the Florida 2 a.k.a March 2019 Core Update?

Florida 2 Is Biggest Update in Years

That heading alone will have online businesses paying attention and for good reason. The update involves website ranking – a hot issue for any website owner small or large, hence the avid interest in the Florida2/March 2019 Core Update news.

All things considered, the business of website ranking is a fine art. With many variables factored in to build ratings, Google naturally wants to deliver trustworthy statistics. That means that should a somewhat inferior website receive better raking than a superior site, Google will need to put emphasis on another variable until it falls in line. Most folk are aware of the workings of Google’s Artificial Intelligence algorithm functioning.

Florida 2 Core Update Above the Call of Duty

It is the regular line of work for Google to focus on mitigating factors like title tagging and specified heading elements. The bottom line in the realm of ranking changes is that everyone can better access sites that meet their search criteria. Besides, it assists sites receiving a lower ranking to step up to the plate and do what they must to get the top search options.

But when Google announced the Florida 2/March 2019 Core Update the effect was immediate – not a few website owners saw changes in their keyword ranking, some even prior to the official announcement. Why the update is causing such a stir is that unlike previous ones it isn’t target specific, hence the ‘broad core’ terminology.

What Must Businesses Do About the March 2019 Update?

First and foremost – don’t panic. This category of update is basically a generalized improvement to Google’s search algorithm. This facilitates greater accuracy in matching search inquiries to websites and thereby improve user satisfaction.

The best way for any website owners to respond to the latest Florida 2/March 2019 Core Update is to stay focused on providing great content. Content relevance and links remain vital raking factors. Simply put, we need to allow the update to do its work. Wait patiently for Google to provide further information.

What’s In A Name?

The worst thing to do is to imagine that we, on the outside can figure out the effects of updates.  Much harm and misunderstanding are averted if everyone follows that course of wisdom. A recent so-called ‘Medic update’ is a case in point and perhaps not entirely the fault of the outsiders. Due to its name, many believed Google was targeting medical websites. And the sad thing is that despite the fact that Google did not and does not target niche sites, the false idea that they did, still persists.

Hence, Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison set that matter straight:

  • We understand it can be useful to some for updates to have names. Our name for this update is “March 2019 Core Update.” We think this helps avoid confusion; it tells you the type of update it was and when it happened. — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) March 15, 2019

Florida 2 then may be misleading as people will obviously connect it to Google’s Florida update in the early 2000s. Back then, the Pubcon Florida SEO conference was running and it seemed appropriate. Pubcon and WebmasterWorld have traditionally named Google’s updates but Google is officially calling the Florida 2 update the 2019 March Core Update. So, keep your hair on everyone, all is as it should be in the remarkable world of Google.

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