Online Business

Why More U.S. Businesses Are Succeeding Now Than Ever Before

Last week we spoke about the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)’s annual report on the state of entrepreneurship the world over. In the report, GEM highlights the unusually high rate of entrepreneurship in the U.S. The United States consistently exhibits among the highest entrepreneurship rates in developed economies. At 14% of the U.S. population of working age, entrepreneurship rose in 2014 to the highest level in the 16 years GEM has assessed this activity. This level represents approximately 24 million Americans starting...

Entrepreneurs in the United States: A Dying Breed? … Or Alive and Well?

Every time we turn around, it seems like one more mom and pop store has been swallowed up by a mega corporation. Some say that this spells the beginning of the end - the death of entrepreneurship in the US.But the numbers tell a different story.

A Remarkable Recovery

2008 - 2009 spelled a dark time in the world economy. Heralding the biggest financial downturn the world has faced since the early 1920s, this period has been given the euphemistic label "The...

Information Revolution

First, we had words. Language. We spoke.And we forgot.And so we made tools, and carved our words indelibly into the rock around us.We wanted to remember.But rocks are hard to carry.And so, we invented paper. And that was good enough for all of mankind for a good, llooonng time.Until one day, Johan Gutenberg decided he'd had enough of all the carpal tunel, and he gave us the printing press. This revolution changed the world in every conceiveable way, allowing us...